If you’ve played FPS games, you know this as strafing. Rather than rotate the ship, they translate (slide) the ship. Hold Right Click and try your WASD+QE keys.

Ready to go from adequate to outstanding? Read on. D E and F are all in his blindspot, he cannot hit those targets until you turn the ship! In this example, targets A B and C are all valid targets that your gunner can hit. Now think about what it can, and can’t, point at. Take a moment to visually locate the big tank cannon on the rear upper part of your ship. You’ll find it in wreckage of ships you killed, or ancient stations from long ago. Captain will give final authorization for jump, and Engineer will jump the ship. Once you are lined up with that blue ring, verbally announce to your team that you are “Lined up”. No ring? Maybe the captain forgot to set a course. This represents where your captain wants to go next. One of them will have this handy blue guide ring. Tap the spacebar to toggle the display of nearby sector numbers. Your job is to aim the ship at the destination sector. Your ship is floating in a sector of space, and will stay there until you warp out. I prefer the chase cam where the camera rotates WITH the ship. Tap the K key while flying to try all the different camera modes. Got a little more time? Let’s talk about what exactly you need to do Left ctrl for reverse.ģ0 seconds are up! You are now a bare minimum functional pilot. Try tapping X now to see the two control schemes. There are alternate, terrible controls where you move the mouse to pitch/turn that you can toggle with the X key. You should now be looking at an exterior view of the ship. It’s typically way far forward on the bridge, and looks something like this.

If you have points left over, Hit Points and Pistoleer are a good bet.įind your pilot station. Buy all of Special Inertia Training, spend whatever is left on Racing School. You just loaded into a new game as pilot.